Holiday Shopping at Indigenous Abya Yalan Stores! (aka: Native American Businesses)
As we celebrate Native American Heritage Month and continue with the holiday season getting gifts for friends and family – lets shop at stores owned by the people from the First Nations of this land!
Thank you for choosing to get stuff via VEGANavigate. Some of the companies we advertise have partnered with us. This means they give us a commission if you purchase an item/items from them due to our website. Thanks again for your support!
Heart Berry
New Day Socks
These cute socks are a must-have! Woven by artists of the Ojibwe nation. We also love the “thank you” noted at the bottom of their product page – reminding us of the importance of purchasing from indigenous communities – not products by large corporate companies designed to look as though they are designed by people from First Nations.
(Note: This item is advertised with a non-plant-based blanket on their website.)